Ellie Pechet, M.Ed.
Ellie Pechet, M.Ed. is a Metaphysician, Medium, Shaman and author with over 32 years of experience in the counseling/energy healing field. Ellie has a Masters Degree in Counseling from Cambridge College.
She has been featured as the guest on popular radio programs such as the Organic Thinking Show, The Healthy Living Show, and the Connect Show with Jeanne White. She has been the featured guest with celebrities on cable television shows such as, The Living Your Dreams Show with Nancy Cantor, and more recently, the AZ TV Morning Scramble program out of Prescott, AZ.
Ellie’s Distance Healing practice is a combination of Intuitive Counseling and Metaphysical Healing. She discovered early on that her passion is helping people heal and shift in a positive way as quickly as possible.
At the beginning of her career, she enjoyed providing talk therapy with clients, intuitively. Ellie knew that she could do a lot more than talk therapy by itself. She followed her inner guidance and pursued training in healing modalities that embraced the mind, body, and spirit approach. She first trained in Reiki healing and became a Reiki Master. She was then trained and certified in the E.M.F. (Electro Magnetic Field Balancing) Technique. Next, she became certified in the Yuen Method of Healing.
Incorporating these healing modalities and combined counseling with energy work, Ellie noticed her clients started healing and making significantly faster progress. Soon, Ellie added another dimension to her counseling & healing practice. Incorporating her own intuitive abilities with clients, such as hearing from their own personal Guides.
Shortly thereafter, Ellie became aware that she could intuitively scan clients and identify energy blocks and problem areas. This practice progressed into doing medical intuitive scans. Ellie continues to use these scans as a tool to help navigate a plan for clients who have physical and medical symptoms and issues. Combining medical intuitive scans with advanced energy work greatly expedites her clients’ progress.
Combining her skills, training and natural intuitive abilities over years has culminated in Ellie’s own technique, the Pechet Healing Technique. Which is becoming known as one of the most efficient healing techniques on the planet.
Ellie uses the Pechet Healing Technique to energetically dissolve deep-rooted, emotional and physical issues for her clients all over the world by phone, Skype or Zoom. She also sees clients locally in Black Mountain, NC.
Some of the issues Ellie permanently resolves for her clients include Depression, Grief, PTSD, Anxiety, Sexual Abuse, Insomnia. Ellie has resolved health issues and viruses such as Lymes Disease, HPV, chronic pain, Fibromyalgia, and other physical conditions.
Ellie’s ability to completely dissolve a core issue every session for good is what sets her apart from other healers, practitioners, and therapists.
The majority of Ellie’s world-wide healing practice centers around the Pechet Healing Technique. She has an over 95%+ success rate, eliminating emotional and physical issues and conditions for good.